Rod bearings continue to be a sore subject among M3, M5 and M6 owners and in the S65 V8 have been known to fail within 60,000 miles. Rod bearings are wearing out sooner than expected and their replacement should be considered a required preventative maintenance item before 70,000 miles.
When we carry out rod bearing replacement, the following parts are used
- 8x MAHLE upper rod bearing shells
- 8x MAHLE lower rod bearing shells
- 16x ARP rod bolts
- OEM Sump Gasket
- OEM BMW oil pickup tube O-ring
- Oil & Filter change - MOTUL 8100 Power 5w50
- 2x Engine Mounts
We also provide an additional 1L MOTUL 8100 Power 5w50 for future top ups.
Please be aware that due to sub frame/steering rack removal, we recommend wheel alignment to be carried out.
The work is carried out in 1 day. We require the car for 9am and will be completed by 6pm
Further information regarding Mahle bearings can be read from the .pdf - HERE