Have you got a fire extinguisher in the car? If so when was it last serviced? Perishing fuel lines, overflowing carburetors or a wiring loose connection classic cars and motorcycles are more prone to fires than modern vehicles. And of course our pride and joys cannot be easily replaed by insurance.
Having spoken to so many classic car owners at shows, it seems many know they need to carry an extinguisher but very few ensure they are serviced every year. Just checking that little pressure gauge is not enough either as the O-rings can perish over time. Imagine that crucial moment when you need that extinguisher and fine out it doesnt work.
The Fire Safety Stick is totally different and not like any extinguisher you have seen before. Firstly is incrediably small and light, weighing in at just under 300grams. And yet, even the smallest model has more than double the discharge time a 3.5kg powder extinguisher has. Plus, it needs NO servicing what so ever. In fact, its proven to have a life cycle of at least 10 years and is likely to be much more.
Here’s the really amazing thing though, it leaves no mess and no residue from it at all. All powder and foam extinguishers leave such a mess that, regardless of the fire, your engine and bodywork could well be ruined as a result.Watch our videos demonstrating just how amazing the Fire Safety Stick is for classic cars, motorbikes, in fact all vehicles.
Do take just our word for it, have a look at the video that Jay Leno did for the Fire Safety Stick in the USA (In the North America and Canada territories, Fire safety Stick is marketed as Element Fire)
Of course the Fire Safety Stick is not just for the car, garage or workshop. Because unlike all other extinguishers it chemically removes the oxygen from the fire triangle, it is able to deal with ALL MAJOR TYPES OF FIRES, these include:
- Solid Flammables – eg Fibre glass, wood, paper, plastics and textiles
- Liquid Flammables – Petrol, oil, diesel Gases – methane, propane, butane etc.
- Electrical fires upto 100,000volts – so vehicle wiring, kitchen applicances, laptop chargers etc.
- Cooking oil and fats – very few extinguishers can deal with these common fires in the kitchen
Fortunately the Fire Safety Stick can extinguish all of these types of fires
Another great feature of the Fire Safety Stick is depending on the size of the fire, capacity of the stick and size of the room, you can activate the stick and instead of fighting the fire yourself, simply leave it in the room, closing the door. The Fire Safety Stick will continue to emit its active molecules and suppress the fire accordingly.
The lightweight compact nature of the stick and that everyone comes with a FREE mounting bracket, means that you can fit it to a wall or even inside a cupboard door so there is no need for a big bulky extinguisher getting in the way.
Now compare the fire fighting time with the Fire Safety Stick with that conventional extinguisher. Either over 25, 50 or 100 seconds with the fire Safety Stick, where as its just 10-12 seconds with the heavier, bulky, messer 3.5kg extinguisher. So ask yourself, which you would rather have?